Abyss of Mordath 22 feb

On saturday the 22nd we’ll organise a run of the Mordor raid Abyss of Mordath Tier 1. Around 20:30 we’ll start. This is a level 115 raid for which you’ll need around 170 Light of erendil and the entrance discovered.

For tactics and information there is this guide. http://dadislotroguides.com/raid-guide-the-abyss-of-mordath/

Light of erendil sources

Any level 120 or above has a base 80, but will need to wear 2-3 pieces which you can barter in Udun or Dingarth. The stats on them won’t matter too much so you can use the cheaper Motes option (about 900 motes is enough). Or use your older gear you might have saved.

Lost lore pages
Once we’ll have cleared the instance it’s possible to get the Lost lore pages from the raid. This will get you the last deeds some might need for Mordor.

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