April update – Anniversary and events

Spring has started and the spring festival has ended. Next up are the anniversary events, developers letters and our own anniversary.  This means it’s time to party, enjoy the sun and more old-school events on top of our normal activities.  As usual, details follow.

Cap group level 60 starts 18th of april
Lotro 11th year anniversary 19th of april
Kin lottery weekend  27-29 th april
Kinauction weekend 27-29 th april
Anniversary festival support (porting, instances, raids, guides) ongoing.
Warsteed training and racing events

For abyss of modrath T2, we’ll keep on the same path with our allied kins from MSA. Interested? Ask an officer for the channel details.
Unified channel events will also pick up with the anniversary and instance runs getting some much need love.

On a closing note, need help with something? Planning to run a box run or grabbing some deeds. Lets your kinnies know. Over the past few weeks we’ve cleared Tower of orthanc T2, grabbed plenty of deeds, scrolls and we’ve rebooted the cap-team cause we got people together that wanted to do these.

Cap group
During the spring/summer we’ll run our cap group again. This time we’ll start on level 60 and bring our characters around Moria, Lothlorien and anything else available to us at that level (range). Join us with a character at level 60 (xp disabler encouraged). And team up to retake 2009.

Anniversary lottery and weekend
We’ll join Lotro in their celebrations with our very own kin lottery and kin auction weekend. For a lottery ticket send 500 silver to Lottovalar. Or find some cheap bargains, cosmetics on the kin AH during the weekend. Quartervalar and consorts will post plenty of items for all to browse.

Anniversary support
The special anniversary events need all sorts of instances, travels and help across Middle-earth. We’ll host kin runs and porting nights over the weeks that the anniversary will be live. Since all tickets will go live at week 1. We’ll have to plan them as we go.

Warsteed races and training runs
Unified will host warsteed race and squirle will host research, information and training nights for anyone interested. Learn and teach the tricks of a great race and warsteed (bridle).

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