Cosmetic (fall) contest 11-11

As part of the fall kin party we’ll have a cosmetic contest. The housing contest will be run next month.

Best entry?

For this contest you’ll be able to enter any option with 1 entry each per member per Costume # . If you’d want to update your entry just send a new one in.

Important don’t forget to let us know which contest each entry goes to.

Contest theme Fall(in)

Costume #1 Fall(in) in love, Feeling romantic, clumsy, beautifull or just Fall themed. This is for you. “Best costume”

Costume #2 Fall(in) in grace, Hitten rock bottom, miss matched or evil. You’d want to enter this contest. “Worst costume”

Costume #3 Screenshot, Use your outfit to best fit within the Fall theme and your surrounding.

Entries can be submitted through Discord, Facebook group or a direct link to a 3rd party upload of your choice. And be shown off at the Evernight fashion show on the 11th.


Voting wil be open till the 16th. You can vote in the poll listed below

For all entries in a row visit (no guiding texts available)

Winner of Best/Fall in love
Runner up for Best/Fall in love
Winner Fall screenshot theme